Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Husband - The Announcer!

As you all know my husband Ben is a team roping and rodeo announcer! That is how we met - he announcing and me as a secretary at the USTRC Finals. I am quite proud of all of his accomplishments. He has announced numerous rodeos including pro rodeos, ammys and college rodeos. He also has announced the USTRC finals for many years.

Now announcing a team roping can be quite boring and even though he does his best to make it exciting - it is what it is - a team roping. But on the other hand I hope sometime you get to see him in action at a rodeo! He does an amazing job! I know this is pretty much a bragging blog but most of you that read this probably will never get to see him in action so I wanted to post a few pictures and a video of his "famous" dancing!! I hope you enjoy and just know I brag because I am So Proud of him!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Relaxing in Alpine

A couple of weeks ago I got the chance to go with Ben and his sister Brandi down to Alpine, TX. They were announcing and doing the music for the college rodeo (Sul Ross State University) and I tagged along for the ride. I had gone down there last year and absolutely loved it.

It is on the edge of the Big Bend National Park and someday I want to go on down through there. This is the only place in Texas where I have found somewhat mountains. No they are not the Rockies but they are better than the "bumps" of Stephenville. I forget how much I miss the mountains until I wake up and see the sun rise over them or watch a sunset with the mountains in the distance.

We spent 2 1/2 days down there. Along with the rodeo and just hanging out we also went and watched the Marfa lights. They are pretty neat and sure make me wonder about the whole alien theory. Noone can explain them and they are almost hypnotic to watch. If you ever get a chance to go down there make sure you check them out - they are worth the stop!

The town of Alpine is like Park City only stuck in the middle of nowhere. It is a charming town full of interesting shops. Brandi and I did a little window shopping. The only thing strange about down there is the amount of border patrol vehicles. I guess I just never get close to the border to see them that often but in Alpine they were everywhere. It is such a different way of life when you get down there with the border problems and that part I am really not very comfortable with.

Here are a couple of scenery photos. I hope you enjoy and if you are looking for an interesting place to visit put Alpine, Tx on your map! I would highly recommend it!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

And the winners are....K Bar!!!

Yes it is that time of year again for the Odessa Ranch Rodeo. As usual Ben entered the KBar Ranch with his dad, Dane Driver, Drew Forte and Ethan Cory. They had a great time and won it again for the second year in a row!! Below are some of the pics - I was the filmer and so I didn't have as much time to take still pics but these turned out alright.
Oh by the way check out the shirts - that is courtesy of late nights trying to figure out iron transfers! You wouldn't think it would be hard to use iron on transfers on black shirts but believe me! I spent three days or should I say nights trying to get them to work. After finally figuring them out we took the shirts to the cleaners and they faded so they had that "vintage" look but they worked!!!

Ben carrying the American Flag

Drew, Ethan and Bob checking out the competition

Ben getting ready to go rope a goat!

Ben helping flank a horse

The Winners (l to r Ethan Cory, Dane Driver, Jordan Driver, Drew Forte, Bob Clements and Ben Clements)

I am proud of my husband!